
Animal ID : Let your behaviours speak

Animal ID : Let your behaviours speak


Animal ID comes with 90 large-format cards and a 36 page booklet, for use with individual or group coaching to help your clients discover their Totem animal and explore their behaviors.

90 large format cards (10.5 X 14 cm), printed in full color

Animal ID : Let your behaviours speak

Animal ID comes with a set of 90 large-format cards and a 36 page instruction booklet. Use this game to help your clients discover their Totem animal and let their behaviours speak.


Which totem animal lives within your clients, inspires and revitalises them?

Many of us have spotted similarities between our own behaviour and the behaviour of animals. We recognise characteristics in animals that may sometimes reflect our own, so this card game was developed to help identify those connections.

It can be used in individual or group coaching sessions to help your clients discover their Totem animal and focus on their behaviors. This can be particularly helpful where cohesion, co-operation, tensions or conflicts have been an issue.


How to use this card game:

Because it can sometimes be difficult to open up and talk honestly, this card game has been designed to help your clients look at animals and how they think they behave. By using a mix of animal cards and adjective cards, your clients will have the opportunity to objectively review different types of behavior and how it could impact them and the people around them.

  1. The “Serendipity” draw – Select a card at random and rely on chance. Ask your client how this animal inspires them in terms of needs and resources or their mood of the day.
  2. The “Team Coaching” draw – At the start of a team coaching session, ask one person to select a card and talk about the strengths of this animal. Discuss the resources this animal would have at their disposal and if they could be helpful to this team. Ask the team to identify any threats or opportunities each animal represents.
  3. The “Energetic” draw – To identify the type of energy that surrounds your client or group, simply select an animal and talk about the energy they think it uses to accomplish everyday tasks? Look at different animals and find the ones that best fit the style or type of energy they want to embody today?


This card game can also help you develop your questioning style

By playing this card game with your clients you can uncover what each card makes them think of. Pick a card at random and ask one of these questions:

  • What does this animal make you think of?
  • What are the positive qualities of this animal?
  • What are the negative qualities of this animal?
  • How do you think this animal behaves?
  • In what type of situation would you normally behave like them?


The Animal ID card game consists of:

  • 90 large format Animal ID cards printed in full colour. They are split into 42 animal cards and 48 adjective (describing) cards.
  • 36 page booklet with full instructions on how to play the game with individuals or groups.

Please note: This game can be used by any professional trained to support others. This can be a professional coach, member of HR or training professional, educator, social worker etc. This card game can also be used for your own personal development as a professional coach and helps you practice your questioning.



Your printed card game will be tracked and posted in protective packaging. A flat rate amount is added for postage when you order this card game, however if you purchase four or more printed card games (within the same order), we will refund any excess postage paid if it was not needed to pay for delivery.


Contents: Set of 90 large format (10.5 X 14 cm) Animal ID cards printed in full color. The cards are boxed and include a 36 page booklet with full instructions on how to play the game.

Weight: 320g

Design: Fabienne Vincent

Authors: Anna Edery and Arnaud Constancias.

© SVJ – 2019 – – April 2021


Further reading:

We are constantly adding content to the site, so please check out our on-line shop or read the blog posts written by our team of international coaches


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